I had to get a new passport because nobody could recognize me on the old one

A citizen of Nigeria slimmed down by 79 kg and changed beyond recognition. The story of a real transformation which stirred the entire instagram.
Looking at the photo of this wonderful woman, it is hard to believe she weighed more than 123 kilos just a while back and she could hardly move about her own apartment.
According to Caitlin herself, she was a plump girl when a child too. At first her parents were glad to see their daughter had such a great appetite. But then her obsession with substantial delicious meals became a part of her lifestyle and didn't leave her for many years. Naturally, excess weight didn't make the girl attractive, and if it hadn't been for her rapid slimming, most Nigerian citizens would never learn about her existance. But that would be a shame.
Recently Caitlin attracted a well-known modelling agency and thanks to her they made a series of photos about unusual body transformations. This way the company wants to draw attention to the obesity issue and motivate ordinary women to become more beautiful.

- Inside, I've always been a child, didn't want to become an adult. That's why boys, relationships, short skirts and parties were miles away from me until 19 or so. But when I reached high school age, I started to realize that I wanted other people to pay special attention to me too. Not just irritation, which I got when stepping on somebody's foot at the party or the disgust people showed towards me when I was on the beach.
However, Caitlin's dream to become a beauty with a perfect figure remained just a dream. The girl stopped going to the concerts, using public transport and even flying on the plane for one simple reason: she didn't fit in standard seats. Once she was even asked to pay for 2 seat on a solid ground that average human weight doesn't exceed 90 kilos.

By 35 Caitlin weighed 123 kilograms.
- Surely, I tried to slim down, but my weaknesses didn't let me do it. It was too shameful and difficult for me to start going to the gym. A jiggly belly, shortness of breath, sweating. Ugh! Others told me, "Pull yourself together and go to the gym!" It's easy to say, but much harder to actually do it. I felt helpless and the only thing that could calm me down was food.

More than 1,9 million of adults from all parts of the world suffer from obesity and can't cope with this problem all by themselves. According to dieticians, the only stimulus to slim down is to see the first results on your body.

Concatenation of circumstances helped Caitlin change. Once at a family party her sister offered her to try a new product Green Coffee. She heard about it on some medical TV program. Caitlin agreed, rather because she wanted to be left alone, however she started drinking this weight loss product at home. Already in 1,5 weeks Caitlin noticed that her usual clothes had become too big for her. The scales confirmed: about 10 killos were gone. Caitlin was especially suprised by this fact because she didn't change a thing about her eating routine.
Encouraged by the progress, the woman decided to make an effort, demonstrate will power and stop eating after 8 pm. As a result, she dropped 47 kg within 2 months and conquered the entire instagram with her transformation.
Recently it turned out that a well-known American illusionist Penn Jillette dropped 50 kilograms also thanks to Green Coffee, his incentive was serious health problems.
'Doctors gave me a choice: either I shed fat, or my blood pressure kills me. I decided it was too early to die at 60 and I slimmed down with the help of Green Coffee under my doctor's supervision', says Penn Jillette.
Another reason the drink Green Coffee can be called unique is because unroasted Green Coffee beans reduce the amount of fat in the body without diets and excessive physical exercises. The body's speed revs up greatly producing plenty of energy. Meaning that weight loss comes easy, without feebleness, drowse and irritation, not like it usually happens.
So if you've made up your mind to change your life: become a star of instagram, make your spouse fall in love with you again or just shock all your ill-wishers, then slimming is a great chance to do it. It doesn't matter how old you are. Success knows no age limits.


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