2019: “Election Will Not Hold In 26 States” – Biafra Zionists

The Biafra Zionists Feder­ation (BZF) has declared that election would not hold in 26 out of 36 states in Ni­geria during the 2019 general election due to the ongoing Bi­afra agitation.
The self-styled leader of the group, Barrister Benjamin On­wuka, who made the declaration shortly after he was released from prison, described the affected states as part of the Biafra republic.
Onwuka also announced a ban on all political activities in Biafraland, stressing that elec­tions would not hold on Biafra territories in 2019. He listed the areas where there would not be election in 2019 to include Southeast, South-South, West­ern region, Bakassi Peninsula, Middle Belt, saying they were all part of the Biafra territory.
He also boasted that he would take over Enugu government house on August 20 to announce Biafra Independence as Presi­dent of Biafra.
Onwuka was arrested on May 30 alongside 32 members of his group in front of Enugu govern­ment house where they had gone to declare Biafra Independence.
They were discharged and ac­quitted by a magistrate court in Enugu. He said nothing would stop him from “ceasing Enugu government house on that day as President of Biafra as Enugu re­mains the capital of Biafra land.”
He stated that the struggle for the realisation of Biafra had re­ceived a fresh momentum from the support of the United States of America (USA) and Israeli governments, stressing that, on August 20, they would “enter gov­ernment house, Enugu with car­rots and sticks with Israeli forces.
Onwuka said: “We will return to Enugu government house on August 20. The Nigerian govern­ment has 31 days to run and wind up. Enugu is the capital of Biafra.
“The Enugu government house is the property of Biafra. It does not belong to Ifeanyi Ug­wuanyi; it does not belong to Mu­hammadu Buhari and also does not belong to Nigeria. I will seize the place on that day and the Is­raeli forces will be backing us on that day and we are inviting all Biafrans, students, Middle Belt, South-South and South West to come out and receive their free­dom on that day.”
Onwuka, who confirmed that they were charged with treason­able felony after their arrests, stated that the United States of America (USA) ordered their release from prison last month, adding, however, that the order was not carried out until Thurs­day night. “The magistrate who had earlier declined jurisdiction on the matter and sent us to prison, suddenly pronounced us discharged and acquitted.
We simply walked out of prison and we thank the president of the United States of America, Don­ald Trump, who issued the order.
“Nobody believed we would return from prison. We went in and we have come out. They can’t do anything and we are going to show that we have the power of Israel behind us. The implication of that order is that we have defeated Nigeria.
They can no longer shoot us. That or­der has reinforced the struggle and Biafra has gained momen­tum as Southeast, South-South and Middle Belt are now asking for it,” he disclosed.


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