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Friday 23 May 2014

Nigeria bomb blast captured on camera

A local television station in Nigeria captures the moment a second bomb ripped through a bustling bus terminal and market frequented by thousands of people in Nigeria's central city of Jos

At least 118 people were killed and dozens more injured when two car bombs exploded at a busy bus terminal and market in Nigeria's central city of Jos on Tuesday.
The second blast, which was captured on camera by a local television station, came half an hour after the first, killing some of the rescue workers who had rushed to the scene.
Huge plumes of black smoke could be seen rising from the fires that, according to emergency crews, were still burning some eight hours later.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks.
But they bore the hallmarks of Boko Haram, the Islamic extremist group that abducted nearly 300 schoolgirls last month and has repeatedly targeted bus stations and other locations where large numbers of people gather in its campaign to impose Islamic law on Nigeria.
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan indicated he blamed Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sinful," for the bombings.
The Nigerian government and military's failure to curtail the 5-year-old Islamic uprising has caused national and international outrage.


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